Pattern Editor (F2)
The following keys are available in the Pattern Editor
Key Command Description
Arrows Move Cursor Moves the cursor one position.
TAB Next Track Moves the cursor to the next track.
SHIFT + TAB Previous Track Moves the cursor to the previous track.
PAGE UP/DOWN Move Page Moves 16 rows up or down.
HOME Jump Cursor Up 1. Moves to first field, then track, then row.
END Jump Cursor Down 1. Moves to last field, then track, then row.
Z S X D C V G B H N J M Play Various Notes Plays keys from the base octave.
Q 2 W 3 E R 5 T 6 Y 7 U Play Various Notes Plays keys from the one octave above the base octave.
I 9 O 0 P Play Various Notes Plays keys from the two octaves above the base octave.
. (Period) Clear Value Clears the field under the cursor.
DELETE Delete Deletes the row under the cursor from current column.
ENTER Sequence Editor Switches to Sequence Editor.
INSERT Insert Inserts an empty row at the cursor.
SHIFT +/- (Keypad) SHIFT values Moves all selected values up or down a single value or semitone. (Numlock must be turned off)
CTRL + R Randomize Randomizes values in selection or in field under cursor.
CTRL + I Interpolate Interpolates selected values.
SHIFT + Arrows Select Area Sets selection.
CTRL+B Begin Selection 1. Sets the beginning of a selection, 2. Changes selection mode (on pressing more than once)
CTRL+E End Selection 1. Sets the end of a selection, 2. Changes the selection mode (on pressing more than once)
CTRL+U un-select Deselects.  
CTRL+X Cut Cuts current selection to buffer.
CTRL+C Copy Copies current selection to buffer.
CTRL+V Paste Pastes at current cursor position. (Overwrites existing values)
-/+ (Keypad) Select pattern Scrolls through existing patterns.
CTRL+RETURN New Pattern Creates a new pattern.
CTRL+SHIFT+RETURN Copy of pattern Creates a copy (clone) of the current pattern.
CTRL+BACKSPACE Pattern Properties Views and allows you to change (length, name) the current pattern properties.
CTRL+DELETE Remove Pattern Removes the current pattern.
CTRL + (plus) Add Track Adds a Track to the current pattern.
CTRL - (minus) Delete Track Deletes the last Track from the current pattern.
<,> or ALT+W Change Wave Selects from Wavetable.
* Raise Octave Raises the current octave
/ Lower Octave Lowers the current octave.
ALT+B Base Octave Selects the Base octave.
CTRL+Up/Down Arrow Select Machine Scrolls through various machines
CTRL+L Solo Machine Solos current machine (generators only).